Contributed Talks 2c: QKD Implementation
Tue, 15 Aug
, 15:50 - 16:30
- Security of differential phase shift quantum key distribution from relativistic principlesMartin Sandfuchs (ETH Zürich); Marcus Haberland (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, ETH Zürich); V. Vilasini (ETH Zürich); Ramona Wolf (ETH Zürich)[Abstract]Abstract: The design of quantum protocols for secure key generation poses many challenges: On the one hand, they need to be practical concerning experimental realisations. On the other hand, their theoretical description must be simple enough to allow for a security proof against all possible attacks. Often, these two requirements are in conflict with each other, and the differential phase shift (DPS) QKD protocol exemplifies these difficulties: It is designed to be implementable with current optical telecommunication technology, which, for this protocol, comes at the cost that many standard security proof techniques do not apply to it. After about 20 years since its invention, this work presents the first full security proof of DPS QKD against general attacks, including finite-size effects. The proof combines techniques from quantum information theory, quantum optics, and relativity. We first give a security proof of a QKD protocol whose security stems from relativistic constraints. We then show that security of DPS QKD can be reduced to security of the relativistic protocol. In addition, we show that coherent attacks on the DPS protocol are, in fact, stronger than collective attacks.
- merged withSecurity of quantum key distribution with imperfect phase randomisationGuillermo Currás-Lorenzo (University of Vigo); Kiyoshi Tamaki (University of Toyama); Marcos Curty (University of Vigo)[Abstract]Abstract: The performance of quantum key distribution (QKD) is severely limited by multiphoton emissions, due to the photon-number-splitting attack. The most efficient solution, the decoy-state method, requires that the phases of all transmitted pulses are independent and uniformly random. In practice, however, these phases are often correlated, especially in high-speed systems, which opens a security loophole. Here, we address this pressing problem by providing a security proof for decoy-state QKD with correlated phases that offers key rates close to the ideal scenario. Our work paves the way towards high-performance secure QKD with practical laser sources, and may have applications beyond QKD.Security bounds for quantum key distribution with arbitrary phase randomizationXoel Sixto (Universidade de Vigo); Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo (University of Toyama); Kiyoshi Tamaki (University of Toyama); Marcos Curty (Universidade de Vigo)[Abstract]Abstract: Decoy-state quantum key distribution (QKD) is undoubtedly the most efficient solution to handle multi-photon signals emitted by laser sources, and provides the same secret key rate scaling as ideal single-photon sources. It requires, however, that the phase of each emitted pulse is uniformly random. This might be difficult to guarantee in practice, due to inevitable device imperfections and/or the use of an external phase modulator for phase randomization, which limits the possible selected phases to a finite set. Here, we investigate the security of decoy-state QKD with arbitrary, continuous or discrete, non-uniform phase randomization, and show that this technique is quite robust to deviations from the ideal uniformly random scenario. For this, we combine a novel parameter estimation technique based on semi-definite programming, with the use of basis mismatched events, to tightly estimate the parameters that determine the achievable secret key rate. In doing so, we demonstrate that our analysis can significantly outperform previous results that address more restricted scenarios.